Top 12 Scary Movie Couples

A spooky movie is a surefire way to enjoy your Halloween season. If you randomly select any of a number of scary movies, you’ll probably get a pretty similar plot each time. What scary movie doesn’t have an attractive teenage girl, lots of booze, or a serial ax murderer? If you’re looking for something a little more in depth, look for the side plot that lies within the hearts of these ten scary movie couples. You may find yourself a little confusing when you’re overwhelmed with the love between the two but still shaking in your socks.


  1. Burt and Vicky, Children of the Corn
    We all know what the film is about, but the side story has just as much thrill. This couple sets out on a trip to repair a troubled marriage, but they get a lot more than they bargained for. While fighting for their life again the evil forces they face, they quickly find each other to be worth living for. Sometimes dread can bring you together as nothing else can. 

    landscape photo of house surrounded by corn field 

  2. Sally and Jack, The Nightmare Before Christmas
    If you say you don’t love this Burton classic, you’re lying. Sally and Jack Skellington are the epitome of leery lovers, with just enough excitement and joy to help you overlook their ghoulish appearance. There’s a reason many people choose this coupling when dressing up for Halloween. Their love is unmatched and there nothing less than unique and extraordinary. 
  3. Sam and Molly, Ghost
    Ghost is the most terrifying and simultaneously heartfelt experience you will ever have. The love between Molly and her dead lover is tear-jerking. Of course, some might be afraid when their passed beloved comes back in ghost form to revisit his sweetheart, but Molly was anything but. This is a tale about undying love, literally, that will leave you weeping for more.
  4. Boris and Elsa, The Bride of Frankenstein
    They may be two of the most easily recognizable lovebirds in the world of spooky films. The classic movie is killer, but the love between these two evil creations is anything but vile. Maybe Frankenstein’s original monster never expected there to be a part two, much less a partner, but you can tell in this film that manmade monsters have love, too.
    Frankenstein, Monster, Boris Karloff, Actor, Vintage
  5. Bobby and Cindy, Scary Movie
    This freakshow parody captures all the best early era spooky movies in one laughable, but equally creepy mash up. What else does it capture? The bubbling teenage love between Cindy and Bobby, two of the movie’s main characters. Of course, she probably doesn’t know that Bobby might just be a copycat murderer. 
  6. Adam and Barbara, Beetlejuice
    What’s better than a deceased couple haunting their previous home together? Of course, they probably weren’t expecting to be riddled with the confusion of the tumbling, scatterbrained, freaky world of Nietherworld, but they faired alright. You can’t die twice right? Maybe you can. 
  7. Seymour and Audrey, Little Shop of Horrors
    If you give your love a flower, make sure it’s not a giant, man-eating, murderous flower. Seymour and Audrey live through the terror of a lifetime and have a chemical connection that definitely shows throughout the original performance. They might have chemistry, but they sure aren’t botanists.  

    Woman Watering Plant

  8. The Phantom and Christine, The Phantom of the Opera
    This classic movie is unseen by very few eyes, and for everyone that has seen it, the love between Christine and the Phantom is as undeniably eerie as it is romantic. Of course, the Phantom’s rage ruins it in the end. It may be rage born of love, but it eventually leads Christine to hate and even fear.  
  9. Ed and Lorraine Warren, The Conjuring
    Of course, Ed and Lorraine are real-life people, and they have several movies other than the Conjuring (like Annabelle). Their spooky coupling is near perfection though, with Lorraine working as a medium and Ed as a demonologist. What better way to spend your life with your sweetheart than tracking and demolishing demons and ghosts, right? 
  10. Frederick and Annabelle Loren, House on Haunted Hill
    Frederick is throwing a haunted house party for his fourth wife, Annabelle, but they have no idea the night they are about to (hopefully) live through. This adorable couple has all the right kicks. They’re smart, brave, and apparently, have tried to murder each other (and other family members) several times. One of them goes off on a horrifying tangent, and suddenly nobody is safe.  
  11. Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Sterling, The Silence of the Lambs
    Hopefully every genius-level man isn’t a cannibal, but this one is. Of course, he landed himself in the pen, and now he’s helping Clarice, a witty FBI agent, capture another serial killer on the loose. Their love is tense and barred by bars, but its not any less real. So real, in fact, that it continues for multiple movies because the audience just couldn’t get enough of this odd pair. 

    black and white, black-and-white, depressed

  12. Norman Bates and His Mother, Psycho
    It’s probably a little weird to be so in love with your mother that you murder both her and her lover, and then manage to cover it up for almost ten years. But Normal Bates was a psycho, so normality wasn’t exactly something he was famous for. Normans love for his mother is exactly the kind of love that most women dream of, except not from their son. Nevertheless, the kind of passion his displays is the foundation for the eerily gruesome plot of this classic movie.


If a few scary movies don’t help you get your fix this Halloween season, try grabbing some haunted house tickets for the largest haunted house in Dallas area. At Thrillvania Haunted House Park, we have terrifying fun for the entire family. If you’re feeling really brave, bring your sweetheart along. She may leap into your arms out of fright, or we may just send her screaming in the other direction.