Halloween may still be over 7 months away… but who’s counting? Luckily, St Patrick’s Day is right around the corner – and that’s definitely a day to look forward to.
So, it’s time to bust out your green gear and Irish flags, all you scary shamrocks!

As for us here at Thrillvania? We wish we could be joining you all for a spooky Irish jig. Instead, we’ll be cleaning up after the evil leprechaun who recently wreaked havoc on Verdun Manor – and we’re here to tell you the story.
So, how did it all happen?
It all started when a ghostly St Patrick’s Day parade ravaged Fort Worth. Baron Verdun got wind of the evil parade from his friends over at the Cutting Edge (who are still dealing with their evil leprechaun infestation.)
The Baron and his vampire bride have no appetite for leprechauns – nor do they want their company this St Patrick’s Day. Leprechauns are devious and mischievous creatures (especially the evil ones.) But they also love abandoned places… and the gorgeously creepy and foreboding Verdun Manor would be perfect for leprechauns to play tricks.
So, the Baron and Lady Cassandra decided to lay out a leprechaun trap. The killer couple have collected their fair share of gold over the years from their victims. The sight of all that gold would be enough to lure even the most plotting of leprechauns. Once they accumulated all their gold in a pot, they placed it in the center of their trap, with a trail of shamrocks leading right to it.
But that’s not all. The Baron and the Lady even made sure the ghouls of Voodoo Bayou were ready to take on the evil St Patrick’s Day parade. The parade had already made its way through Fort Worth and Dallas in the middle of the night, and was heading straight for the sleepy town of Terrell. The Voodoo ghouls were armed and ready with pitchforks. And should a pesky little leprechaun get past the ghouls (“Impossible!” exclaimed Baron Verdun), the trap would do its job!

The scary parade blasted through Terrell. Sure enough, a creepy leprechaun with razor-edged teeth and orange eyes wandered its way onto Thrillvania Haunted House Park.
But the Baron and Lady’s plan quickly fell apart. The fiery blast of Voodoo Bayou was unable to scare away the leprechaun. It was even able to scurry past the Voodoo ghouls, who weren’t fast enough to keep up.
As the leprechaun approached the doors of Verdun Manor, it cast a bad luck spell. The spell disarmed the leprechaun trap, allowing it to snatch up every last bit of gold.
But it wasn’t done there! The leprechaun continued to cast its bad luck spell until every corridor and cellar door became flooded with swamp water. Bad news for Lady Cassandra, the house vampiress who can’t bear the sight of water, let alone touch it without evaporating into thin air. So, needless to say, Baron Verdun has his hands full between a flooded manor, his wrathful wife, and a whole mess to clean up.
Beware This St Patrick’s Day

Due to the unfortunate series of events, Thrillvania Haunted House Park will not be opening St Patrick’s Day. But we’ll be back soon with a vengeance. After all, an evil leprechaun stole all of our gold, and we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled for the rascal.
Beware! It could be coming for you next. As you stay alert, why not stay tuned for more St Patrick’s Day news & stories here at Thrillvania Blog.